Category: Sales Engineer

  • Dig a Little Deeper!

    I recently re-watched The Princess and the Frog and realized it could be interpreted on yet another level, as an allegory for how to be more successful as a Sales Engineer. For those who haven’t seen the film (and I recommend you do), you can catch up on the plot at The film has a…

  • Pictures from Life as a Sales Engineer

    There’s not many memes that I jump on the bandwagon for, but I’ve seen enough people having fun with this that I have to join in. When my demo hits a snag… When my Sales Exec calls to say the deal is closed… When my Sales Exec says he wants to move forward after I…

  • Message Queuing & Segregation: Lessons from the Airline Industry

    Note: This also appears at Many email marketers are unaware of the importance of message queuing to the successful delivery of their email. As a component of their messaging infrastructure, queuing is something that marketers typically defer to their IT department to manage. Yet, the reality is that queuing and the segregation of message streams…

  • Developing Your Sales Story – Paul Kenny

    Here’s a great session I came across today from a Joel on Software posting: This gets to the heart of what companies need to do: focus more on the customer; their situation, their needs, their challenges. Even I’ve been guilty of spending too little time on them and too much time on me: what I…