Category: Email

  • The Customer is Always Right, Even When They Call it an On-Premise MTA

    The Customer is Always Right, Even When They Call it an On-Premise MTA

    How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the On Premise MTA One fun thing about being a founder is that you get to be a chef, chief cook, and bottle washer, and on top of that, you have to handle the social media and SEO. In my latest work on helping people discover KumoMTA,…

  • We Built an Open-Source High-Performance MTA

    We Built an Open-Source High-Performance MTA

    “We just don’t want to get into another relationship like that again.” That’s something I’ve heard a lot over the last couple of years when talking to on-prem email senders, and it’s changed my life, read on to learn why. I’ve been working in on-prem email infrastructure since 2006 when I was the first Sales…

  • Why Your Email Marketing Sucks

    There’s a great article over at Hubspot that talks about “16 Things People Really Hate About Your Email Marketing” and it’s a good read. I especially liked: The content of your email — whether the copy itself or the offer you’re promoting — should be something the email recipient actually wants to receive. And you…

  • 14 Email Security Do’s & Don’ts

    Note: This article originally appeared at Introduction Anyone who follows the email marketing industry news is no doubt aware of the increasing number of well-publicized data breaches that have been occurring at the various major ESPs. In addition to the major ESPs, there are no doubt a number of less-publicized or even non-publicized data…

  • Message Queuing & Segregation: Lessons from the Airline Industry

    Note: This also appears at Many email marketers are unaware of the importance of message queuing to the successful delivery of their email. As a component of their messaging infrastructure, queuing is something that marketers typically defer to their IT department to manage. Yet, the reality is that queuing and the segregation of message streams…

  • Technical Considerations For IP Warmup

    Introduction In response to the recent news regarding Goodmail closing its doors, Tom Sather at Return Path published a blog entry regarding IP warmup and the difference it can make for inbox placement. Tom sums up the need for IP warmup well: If you had talked to any email marketer 10 years ago and asked…

  • Be Aware: Phishing Attack Targeting ESPs and Large Email Senders

    This just in from Return Path: Over the course of the past five weeks, spam campaigns have been aimed at the staff members of over 100 ESPs and gambling sites. These targets have received emails typically with content that mentions the staffer by name, and purports to be from a couple, presumably friends or co-workers.…

  • How To Send One Billion Email Marketing Messages Per Month

    One *Billion* Emails In email marketing there are senders of all shapes and sizes, from small businesses using self-serve ESPs to the largest web properties self-sending to massive user bases. While only a few senders will reach or exceed volumes of one billion messages per month, the tools and practices needed to achieve such a volume…

  • Mailchimp Makes Project Omnivore Public

    Pretty impressive blog post at MailChimp today, in which they make public the details of their Project Omnivore: In short: Omnivore is a program that runs in the background and analyzes email campaign and user account data. Non-stop. When it finds anything suspicious about a MailChimp user or his campaigns, it’ll do one of…